When someone suggested I try making my own yogurt, I was rather sceptical. Why do something that seemed so complicated when it is so easy and cheap to buy from a supermarket?
But then again, I thought, why not give it a try?
So I knuckled down to some research, scouring the many cookbooks I have. I soon discovered there are very few recipes for making it from scratch. Most food writers simply assume you will buy a carton to use in their recipes.
Next stop is the Internet, where I found a whole host of chat about making yogurt but also a second revelation - you don't really need a recipe, the process is so simple.
Basically, the idea is to introduce some bacteria into warm milk, which then ferments under controlled temperature and turns into yogurt.
Humans have been making cultured milk products for around 4,000 years - so long that it is not clear exactly where yogurt, as we know it, originated. I read that the discovery of how to make it may have been accidental, after wild bacteria living on animal skin bags fermented the milk being carried in them. But, somehow, I wish I had not found that out.
The basic ingredients needed are fresh milk and what is called a 'starter' (that is the bacteria), plus, for best results, a cooking thermometer.
Plain yogurt from the supermarket is ideal to use as a starter; just check the label to make sure that it says acidophilus or living
culture .
Yes, it sounds strange to buy yogurt to make yogurt, but one small pot is all that is needed to make much more. After that, you simply save a little of your own homemade yogurt to 'start' the next batch.
Making it reminded me of school science classes, with saucepans, funnel, thermometer and sterilised jars, but it turned out to be quite fun. But I also discovered that although the process is simple, it takes time. Plus, some care is needed in terms of temperature control. But apart from those two trouble spots, it was not difficult.
One thing to bear in mind is that the milk turns into yogurt because bacteria from the starter is allowed to 'grow' during a few hours of constant warmth. This makes it imperative to keep hands, utensils and jars clean to avoid accidentally introducing any other bacteria into the finished product.
I found the quickest way to sterilise the jars is to fill them with boiling water and let them stand for about 10 minutes before putting the milk mixture inside to ferment.
After making several batches, I have found that there is no need to worry too much about exact proportions. The yogurt always turns out tasting good.
I also had fun experimenting with flavours, lightly poaching fruit such as strawberries or cranberries and putting a layer in the bottom of the sterilised jar before pouring the fresh yogurt mixture on top.
Another alternative is to serve plain yogurt swirled with cinnamon or fruit syrup, or, for a sweeter treat, have honey or maple syrup drizzled over the finished yogurt pots.
So what did I learn? First, it is very easy; all that is needed is a basic recipe. You can experiment from there. Second, it tastes great. I got the best results and a thicker yogurt by using whole milk. Low-fat milk can be used, although the result tastes slightly more sour.
There are various claims made about the curative properties of yogurt and for sure it is nutritionally rich in protein, calcium and B group vitamins.
But one thing is certain, it is good to eat by itself from breakfast to dinner or to enhance the flavour of many other dishes from curries to cakes.
Plus, there is something quite satisfying about making your own, minus the preservatives, thickeners, sugars and other additives that many store-bought yogurts have.
If you prefer a foolproof method, there are yogurt-making machines available in the shops. These make keeping the maturing yogurt at constant warmth much easier.
But doing it the long way gives you a real sense of achievement.
Make it yourself: Yogurt
Sunday Times, The (Singapore) - October 19, 2008
2 litres of milk (increase or decrease amount as desired)
1 small pot of purchased yogurt (make sure it is labelled acidophilus or living
culture )
1 medium-sized pot with solid base that holds at least 2 litres
1 cooking thermometer
A glass or crockery container for the yogurt that holds at least the same quantity as the amount of milk you use (I prefer a number of individual pots, so that the finished product can be served and eaten straight from them)
Plastic wrap to cover the containers if they do not have lids
An insulated picnic cooler or a padded thermal container that will allow the maturing yogurt to retain its warmth
1. Thoroughly clean all the equipment. Sterilise the containers by washing them well, then pouring in boiling water and leaving to stand for around 10 minutes.
2. Heat the milk in the pot, stirring all the time until it reaches a temperature of between 75 and 80 deg C. Do not allow it to go past 85 deg C or the milk may burn and the yogurt will have a scorched taste.
3. Turn off the heat and allow the milk to cool, stirring occasionally until it reaches 40 deg C.
4. Stir the purchased yogurt 'starter' well, then add about 4 tbsp of it to the pot of warm milk. Continue to stir for a couple of minutes until it is completely dissolved in the milk.
5. Tip out the boiling water from the containers and pour the warm yogurt mixture into them, using a funnel if you have one.
6. Stack the filled jars into the insulated container or bag.
7. The warmth inside the container needs to be maintained and stable throughout the process, so try to avoid opening it until the end of the process. One way to keep things warm inside is to place a jar of hot water among the yogurt pots. Avoid jostling or moving the container, as the yogurt needs to be still to firm up.
8. The fermentation takes around six hours
9. Cap or cover the pots and put them in the fridge. The yogurt will keep for about two weeks.
If you decide to use one of these yogurts as a starter for the next batch, do it within five days. For best results, buy another small pot of yogurt to replace the homemade starter after every four to five batches. If your yogurt ends up as lumpy curds and watery whey, you can turn failure into success by straining it. You will have made a passable sour cream.