Tuesday, September 03, 2013

ABC soup

A long time favourite, there are so many combinations on the web. What does abc stand for? The variations I've seen are:

A = ang mo kio
B = bawang
C = carrot or corn or (c)kandang, or sometimes, celery

Which one is correct? Answer: whatever you like! I chose whatever was in my fridge, so it turned out to be tomato, onion, carrots and potatoes. I even threw in giam chai for more sourness!

1.2 kg of chicken thighs or drumsticks
3 carrots
2 tomatoes
1 onion
1/2 sio bak choy of giam chai
2 potatoes
1 tsp ginger
Black pepper
1l water

1) Peel and chop everything into roughly equal sized cubes.
2) Blanche the chicken in boiling water, drain.
3) Put everything into a stock pot or slow cooker and crack in some black pepper.
4) Bring to a boil, and skim off the scum and fat. Then turn down the flame and simmer for approximately 40 minutes to 1 hour. Periodically return to skim off the fat for a clearer soup.
5) Add salt if desired. Serve immediately with steamed rice.

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