This is another recipe using asparagus and ham. It works just as well with bacon rather than ham. See how easy it is to come up with different variations of the same theme? This is also a very simple recipe - most of the spent is spent in the assembly, but almost minimal washing up. Perfect for an after work meal.
Ingredients (serves 2)
10 stalks of baby asparagus
6 cherry tomatoes, sliced in half
2 fish fillets (chose a firm fleshed fish, and preferably with skin on)
4 slices of ham
3 tbls butter
Olive oil
Salt and pepper
2 slices ginger, slivered
3 cloves of garlic, crushed
Herbs: Sage, parsley, nutmeg, thyme
Aluminum foil
1) Marinate the fish by rubbing on salt and pepper. Lay on the slices of ginger.
2) While fish is marinating, in a bowl, pour in 1 tbls olive oil, salt, pepper and herbs. Mix well. Put in the asparagus and cherry tomatoes and toss like you would a salad.
3) To the butter (softened at room temp), add the garlic herbs and mix well. This is the garlic butter mix.
4) To assemble the package, take a big enough sheet of foil to fully envelope the fish, and also with enough allowance to crimp the edges. Lay open the foil, using butter or olive oil, oil the foil so that the fish won't stick.
5) Start with laying 5 asaparagus in the middle of the foil, then the cherry tomatoes on the side. Butter the fish fillet with the garlic butter, and wrap in ham. U can use a tooth pick to secure this so it doesn't open up. Lay this on top of the asaparagus.
6) Fold it over and crimp the edges so that any juices don't flow out. Repeat with other fillet. Poke 1 or 2 holes in the foil to allow the steam to escaape.
7) Place both packages on a tin foil to catch any juices that may flow out.
8) Bake at 180 degrees for 15 minutes.
9) To serve, cut open the foil. All juices will be trapped inside and you can eat it straight out of the foil. Just throw away the foil when done, u don't even have to wash any plates!
This foil package method works equally well with seafood e.g. squid with lemon juice and chilli, or even used over the barbi. I even toss the packet on a skillet sometimes instead of in the oven. U will know it's cooked when the steam in the packet causes it to puff up.
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