Tuesday, July 14, 2020

Tteokbokki 떡볶이

Recipe from Maangchi, who else, the Korean queen! There was a sale on a large bag of garaetteok가래떡 so I thought why not, because the recipe is so easy. When we eat this at a Korean diner here, it easily costs upwards of $10. While the bag costs about $7 on sale, I could get two portions out of it so the cost price is effectively a third! This is Korean street food. I've not eaten this in Korea but I am sure Koreans in Oz probably cry when they see the prices of tteokbokki here, just like we similarly cry when we see the prices of prata here (about 10x)!

500 to 600g of garaetteok (if frozen, thaw fully before cooking)
⅓ C gochujang
1 tbsp gochugaru
1 tbsp sugar
2 spring onions, chopped
1 small packet of instant stock
2 cloves of garlic, smashed
4 C stock
Hard boiled eggs, shelled
Korean fish cakes (she used fish and cuttlefish balls)

1. Start with the stock (either anchovy and/or kelp, or shitake soaking water). Boil as needed for 15 minutes. I supplemented with a packet of instant stock.
2. Meanwhile, prepare the hard boiled eggs.
3. Mix up the sauce ingredients: gochugaru, sugar, gochujang.
4. To the stock, remove the stock-making ingredients and add the garaetteok, spring onions, garlic, and sauce.
5. Boil for until the garaetteok has softened, approx 10 minutes. The sauce should be thick and shiny.
6. Add the fishcakes and hardboiled eggs if using. Boil for another 5 minutes.
7. Serve hot.

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