Sunday, June 21, 2020

Poached chicken (chicken rice chicken)

This is a great recipe for small family of 2. I haven't tried with more chicken maryland pieces but I must say that it is a MUST to use chicken maryland and not substitute for drumsticks. My previous failed attempts at cooking chicken rice chicken failed because I used drumsticks. I can't find a chicken small enough to fit my pot so thought I could substitute with drumsticks. As Y pointed out, the skin will shrink and it looks very ugly! So true, that's always where I went wrong!

This is a video recipe by oe cook. I didn't follow her cooking times but just the method and ingredients very broadly. An important point was that she left the pot uncovered. It will probably affect the cooking times and also temperature. My attempt led one maryland to be just cooked but the other was overcooked. I'd probably adjust the timings in a future recipe.

For chicken
2 chicken marylands, brought to room temperature
1 spring onion, chopped
1 slice of ginger, lightly smashed
2 pandan leaves, knotted
Dash of cooking wine

For serving sauce
2 spring onions, chopped
2 tbsp oil
1 thumb sized ginger, grated
1 small shallot, finely sliced
2 tsp light soya sauce

1. Fill the pot with enough water to cover the chicken marylands. Add the aromatics and bring to a boil.
2. Once boiled, add the chicken maryland. You can dip it in and out three times, some bloggers say that this 'seals' the skin so that it's more springy. Bring back to a reboil.
3. Cover and once reboiled (my AMC pot has come to the 2nd indicator) and turn off the fire. Leave covered to steep for 25 minutes. Meanwhile prepare water bath.
4. At the 15 minute mark, reboil to 2nd indicator again. This step was important because while one chicken was slightly overcooked (the skin shrank), the other was JUST cooked and perfect! Strain out and test for doneness with a chopstick skewered to the thickest part. Juices should run clear.
5. Immediately strain and place the chicken into the water bath. Top off with ice cubes. Leave aside to cool down.
6. Prepare the sauce. Place chopped up spring onions and grate the ginger.
7. Warm up the oil. Fry the shallots on medium flame until golden. Strain the shallots and save for another time. (If not using shallots, warm the oil until it is smoking, you can smell the oily smell).
8. Pour the boiling oil over the ginger and spring onion. Careful, it will splatter. Stir in until combined.
9. Add the soya sauce. To make it extra delicious, skim off some of the chicken fat from the stock and pour into the sauce and mix.
10. Serve the thicken with the cooking caramel sauce and topped off with the serving sauce.

Update: Alternate method using rice cooker: Kitchen Tigress

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