Thursday, May 09, 2013

Gyeranjjim (steamed egg)

This is a really simple and easy dish to prepare, and actually a staple of Oriental cooking. I grew up eating a slightly different version which I assume is the Cantonese version and it has minced pork in it. The Japanese have a version which uses chicken stock and is similar to the Korean Ttukbaegi gyeranjjim although Maangchi does it over a stove and as far as I know, the Japanese steam it in a cup.

The version I'm trying today however is the Korean version which only uses water and egg and no minced pork or chicken broth. It's called gyeranjjim and this is Maangchi's recipe. My version has been tested on my microwave because everyone's microwave is different.

3 eggs
3 tsp fish sauce
dash of white pepper
1/2 cup water

1) Beat up the eggs with the other ingredients.
2) Skim off the bubbles from the surface with a spoon. This step is optional, but just creates a smooth surface on the top.
3) Microwave on 30% power for exactly 8 minutes and 40 seconds. I actually watched this like a hawk, so the second all the liquid dried up, I stopped the power. I guess the timing would thus vary with the size of the eggs and amount of water used (since I used the Australian measuring cup rather than the standard US or UK measuring cup), so it might be good to watch it from minute 8 onwards.
4) I garnished with chives and parsley. To be served with rice.

Updated: I tried 1 min 45 seconds on high and got a lovely result! At least the egg (under the skin) was melt in the mouth and not hard like when it's done for 8 minutes plus at 30%.

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