Sunday, November 14, 2010

Steamed milk egg pudding

Tried this recipe from Cotter Kathy154. Works quite well but I didn't have a chinese rice bowl so used 2 coffee cups, which eventually became 3 in order to accommodate all the liquid. The pudding wasn't very sweet, not as sweet as we get in HK and because of the egg yolk, it was a lot more creamy than the usual egg white "dan lai" that I'm used to, but nice too.

2 eggs
160ml*2 milk (ie 160ml of milk for each egg). You can use skimmed or full cream, full cream would make it creamier although I used skimmed and it was still very creamy.
1 tsp sugar (didn't make it very sweet, might add another tsp next time for every 2 eggs)

1) Beat the eggs and add to the milk and sugar. Whisk well.
2) Strain the mixture into the cup. Use a teaspoon and skim off the bubbles. This is important to ensure that the surface is smooth and not 'pock-marked'.
3) Get ready a pot with boiling water, and a steamer.
4) Steam for 13 to 15 minutes at low heat until set. Test for done-ness, if it's still not set, steam for a bit longer.

Hokkaido milk bread loaf