Got the standard meatloaf recipe from Mags. Decided to do a 'clear up of leaftovers' in the fridge thing before supermarket shopping later on. Decided to improv (that's the training term for 'improvise' activities) and here's what I got. Not a bad outcome, the top was almost like short crust pastry. Give it a try!
300g minced beef
Herbs (I used my favourite '4 big kings' or 'shi da tian wang' variation but you can use anything that you like which goes well with beef e.g. rosemary, oregano, etc)
2 tbls light soya sauce or salt to taste
Freshly milled black pepper
2 eggs
4 slices picnic ham, sliced into cubes
3 thick slices of bread, blitzed into breadcrumbs
Parmesan cheese, grated
8g melted butter
1. Mix the minced beef, herbs, salt and black pepper together. Add the ham and half the bread crumbs and mix well.
2. Beat up 2 eggs. Pour into the mixture and mix well.
3. Brush a baking tray or casserole dish with melted butter.
4. Spread on the beef mixture, pressing down with a fork to ensure that the mixture is well distributed over the surface of the pan, and pat down the surface so that it is flat.
5. Pour in the melted butter into the bread crumbs. It should resemble breadcrumb consistency (no pun intended)
6. Spread on the bread crumbs on top and pat down with the fork.
7. Sprinkle grated cheese on the top.
8. Bake at 200 C for 20 mins. If using a casserole, cover for 1st 15 mins and unconvered to brown and melt the cheese for last 5 mins.
Slice up and serve with salad. Nice for a warm summers' day or as picnic food.
If you're a real cheese lover, sprinkle the grated cheese into the beef mixture and mix well for that extra cheesey surprise when you bite into the loaf.